Nourish By Victoria, Yoga Teacher, Ayurvedic Counseling and Wellness | San Luis Obispo CA

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Top 5 Ayurvedic Travel Essentials: Your Ultimate Kit for a Grounded, Nourishing Journey

Top 5 Ayurvedic Travel Essentials: Your Ultimate Kit for a Grounded, Nourishing Journey

Traveling abroad can be an exciting adventure, but it also presents unique challenges for maintaining balance and well-being, especially when crossing time zones and adjusting to new environments. To keep your doshas in harmony and your energy vibrant, I’ve gathered my top five Ayurvedic travel essentials. Pack these now, and set off on your journey with confidence and ease!

1. Sesame Oil (Cold-Pressed) in a Small Dropper Bottle- Nasya Oil 

This humble oil is a true travel companion. Here’s how to use it:

  • Foot Massage: Massage your soles during the flight and at the end of each day. This grounds and pacifies vata, the dosha most likely to get aggravated during travel.

  • Nasal, Ear, and Navel Moisturizer: Apply a few drops to your nasal passages for easy breathing, in your ears to neutralize air pressure pops, and in your navel to support digestion and counter jet lag.

  • Marma Points Massage: Gently massage a bit of sesame oil on three key marma points (the top of your crown, the center of your forehead, and the temples) to balance doshas affected by changes in routine and time zones.

  • Travel with these essential oils for comfort and pleasantness: 

    • Lavender oil: for calming and sleep aide

    • Peppermint Oil: to cover unpleasant odors, awakening

    • Thieves oil: Cleansing when applied topically, creates a fresh, healthy environment 

Take a few drops of the Nasya oil in palm of your hand and combine any one of these oils to your palms and rub on your neck or chest area, soles of feet or on wrist points.  (CAUTION: Avoid using Peppermint oil near face or eyes! Wash hands after application

2. Insulated Water Bottle

Staying hydrated with warm water is essential when you’re on the move. Flying can be extremely dehydrating, so avoid iced, aerated, and alcoholic beverages, which can aggravate dehydration. Instead:

  • Sip on Ginger Tea: Carry your own tea bags. I recommend Turmeric/Ginger, Smooth Move, and Sleepytime. Upon arrival, keep sipping warm ginger tea to support agni and digestion. You can add a small piece of fresh ginger to your water or carry a ginger tea bag.

  • Infused Water: For added benefits, infuse your water with fresh herbs or spices like cilantro, mint, or fennel seeds. I carry a bag of fresh ginger and lemon slices with me when I travel and add them to my thermos along the way. I ask the flight attendant for warm water to add to my thermos.

3. Tongue Scraper and a Toothbrush 

Your oral hygiene routine is your secret weapon for staying balanced while traveling:

  • Scrape Morning and Evening: This keeps your mouth fresh and your taste buds keen, allowing you to truly enjoy the flavors of your food.

  • Balance Doshas: Regular tongue scraping helps cleanse dosha imbalances, something you’ll appreciate even more while on the road.

4. 3-Step Skin Care Routine on the Go

This skin care gem is your go-to for maintaining a healthy skin biome and inner glow.  

Face Wipes: Use your favorite facial cleansing wipes for sensitive skin, free of toxic dyes or chemicals. Use often throughout the flight. 

  • Hydration: Rose hydrosol and rose floral water are both renowned for softening skin and diminishing the appearance of pores. And, both rose hydrosol and rose floral water exhibit anti-inflammatory properties. Spritz often. 

  • Facial Oil: Vitamin C is one skincare ingredient we can’t live without.  It’s a natural antioxidant and it helps neutralize free radicals before they can accumulate, it pacifies doshas and nourishes your skin.

5. Japa Mala

Traveling can be very stressful. Airports are busy and noisy places, and often we are met with challenges including delays, poor food choices, and stressed-out people.  Wearing mala beads serves a more profound purpose than just ‘trendy jewelry. This is more than just a meditation tool; it’s your link between body, mind, and spirit while traveling:

  • Breath Connection: Use your Japa Mala as a reminder that your breath is the bridge between mind and body.  Find a place near your gate, sit down cover your ears, close your eyes and focus on the sound, pace, rhythm, of your own breathing. Use your thumb to pass over the beads across your middle finger (not the index) each breath the bead passes. 

  • Mantra Practice: Let mantra through Japa Mala guide you back to center, no matter where you are.  If you are nervous to chant out loud in a busy airport, throw on your Bose headphones, or AirPods or other noise-canceling headphones and listen to mantra. 

As you prepare for your journey, may you carry these essentials with you, not just in your luggage but in your heart. May all your travels be enlightening and filled with moments of awe and wonder. Safe travels, dear ones!