The five Elements

Air Element

The Sanskrit word for Air is Vayu. Vayu is connected with the skin, touch and heart chakra. It is associated with Vata dosha.

Earth Element

The Sanskrit word for Earth is Prithvi.  Prithvi is connected with nose, smell and root chakra. Prithvi is associated with Kapha Dosha.

Ether Element

The Sanskrit word for Ether/Space is Akasha. Akasha is connected with the ears, hearing and throat chakra. It is associated with Vata dosha.

Fire Element

The Sanskrit word for Fire is Agni. Agni is connected with the eyes, seeing and navel chakra. It is associated with Pitta Dosha.

Water Element

The Sanskrit word for Water is Apas. It is associated with the tongue, taste buds, taste and sacral chakra. It is associated with Pitta and Kapha Doshas.

The Dosha Types


Pitta dosha is characterized by the elements of fire and water. Individuals with a predominant Pitta dosha are often driven, ambitious, and possess strong leadership qualities. They have a sharp intellect, a focused mind, and a natural ability to organize. Physically, Pitta types tend to have a medium build, sharp features, and may be prone to heat-related conditions. When balanced, they exude warmth, confidence, and a passion for life. However, imbalances can lead to irritability, perfectionism, and inflammatory issues. Balancing activities include adopting a cooling diet, practicing stress management, and engaging in calming exercises to maintain equilibrium.


Vata dosha is characterized by qualities of air and space. Individuals with a predominant Vata dosha tend to be creative, energetic, and quick-thinking. They often experience fluctuations in energy levels and may be prone to anxiety or restlessness. Physically, Vata types usually have a slender frame, dry skin, and may be sensitive to cold. Balancing activities for Vata individuals include grounding exercises, warm and nourishing foods, and establishing regular routines to promote stability and calmness.


Kapha dosha is characterized by the elements of earth and water. Individuals with a predominant Kapha dosha are typically grounded, calm, and nurturing. They possess a strong constitution, with a tendency towards stability and endurance. Physically, Kapha types often have a solid build, smooth skin, and a sense of solidity. They may be prone to weight gain and sluggishness when imbalanced. When in harmony, Kapha individuals radiate a sense of compassion, patience, and emotional stability. To maintain balance, Kapha types benefit from a stimulating diet, regular physical activity, and engaging in invigorating practices that awaken their energy.

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